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Italian Paintings - Three Centuries of Collecting

Italian Paintings - Three Centuries of Collecting

Volume I of the first ever catalogue raisonné on the Nationalmuseum’s collection of Italian Paintings, published in 2015.

Nationalmuseum's holds a vast collection of Italian paintings dating from the High Middle Ages to the late Nineteenth century. The catalogue offers the first results of the ongoing research of the paintings of which very few are previously edited. The paintings are discussed according to their historical provenance in order to give the reader a broader picture of the paintings’ history.

All findings, attributions and technical notes have also been published here, in our online database. Volume I covers the paintings deriving from the so-called Martelli Collection and from Johan Niklas Byström’s collection in Rome, as well as acquisitions and donations made during the 20th century, specifically those supervised by the influential art historian and curator at the Nationalmuseum, Osvald Sirén.

The publication has received generous support from the Cultural Council, Magnus Bergvall's Fund, Åke Wiberg's Fund, King Gustav VI Adolf's Foundation for Swedish Culture, Royal Patriotic Society, Berit Wallenberg's Fund, Fondazione C.M. Lerici, Torsten and Ingrid Gihl's Fund and Sixten Strömbom's Fund.
